For the moment, put aside what the Bible says. Consider when the material was written. It is not necessary to agree precisely when oral traditions were written down, and became fixed written texts. One can generously say that the Biblical materials are two or three thousand years old. Nothing is newer that about 1900 years ago. That is quite a while ago. Does it make any sense to say that our lives should be governed by what was known 2000 years ago? I would hate to have the family life of ancient patriarchy, even if I am male, and damned near old enough to be a patriarch. Women were almost second-class citizens, after rulers, and religious leaders, and all other males. There was no democracy. There were slaves. The king was considered to be somewhat divine. No cell phones. No scientists. No antibiotics. No social security. No public school systems. It would be insane to want to live without medicines, to believe that demon...
Social commentary, political opinion, personal anecdotes, generally centered around values, how we form them, delude ourselves about them, and use them.