A distant time ago, during a discussion of an academic requirement to be able to read German and French, a friend told me he had no trouble reading German, even though he had never studied it. He said he just didn't understand a word of what he was reading. I have been listening to radio ads for "a Respitory Therapy program" provided by a local, family-owned institute. I do not know why it irritated me, but I could use a respite from ads like that. I looked up the firm, online. It appears they also have a couple of Vetinary programs and--this one takes my breath away--a Phlebotomy program. I know what "phlebotomy" means, but I will admit that I wonder what the Institute thinks it means. It makes me pespire just to think about a radio commercial for it. But perhaps it is not my place to admire the pronounciation they hire: I once thought of becoming a vetinarian myself, but that was before I knew what phlebotomy was, or how to spell vetinary...
Social commentary, political opinion, personal anecdotes, generally centered around values, how we form them, delude ourselves about them, and use them.