"The Round House" I am building in our backyard has been a slow-motion project for two reasons: it was difficult to find someone to apply flexible roofing (conical, curves, and rubberized materials), and I had to wait for a doctor to sharpen his meat saw in order to replace my hip with scrap parts. Now, both projects have been done, and I am easing myself toward real work, again. There is a small boy, one of whose virtues is that he keeps getting in the way of other kinds of serious work, who has been complaining lately that the round window he likes to look through is too high off the ground. That is important, because it is from that window that he is able to see mountains all around, which reminds him (somehow) that the earth goes around the sun, so he says so, every time. That is why, today, I bought a couple of pre-cut porch stringers, and cut a scrap piece of pine board to make treads and, in the best tradition of fine craftsmanship, made a bann...
Social commentary, political opinion, personal anecdotes, generally centered around values, how we form them, delude ourselves about them, and use them.