If you owned a real estate company, would you want the medium for your message to be a bag of hot air? Or a contraption over which you had almost no control? That what goes up must come down? I phoned Mari, because she was home entertaining Jao, to look up into the sky. But it soon became evident that the hot air balloon was coming down near Sweetwater and Silverbell. Principal and interest: it all came down. It is not only real estate that goes up and then comes thumping down. Consider the program to buy unwanted guns from people and then destroy them. We tried that here in Tucson. Just over 200 people turned in guns they did not want in their homes, and each was given a $50. Safeway gift card to buy groceries. Gun advocates howled--about twenty-five of them according to reports, and the legislature passed a law making it illegal for the police to destroy the guns. The guns have to go back into the market, except may...
Social commentary, political opinion, personal anecdotes, generally centered around values, how we form them, delude ourselves about them, and use them.