What is this Libertarian nonsense? Has the whole idea, the whole need, for people to live together in a society suddenly disappeared? Are traffic lights just for Democrats? Is the problem with what we call "big banks"--most of which are not banks, at all, but enormous financial investment scams designed to make the people with scams and skimmers rich--merely that they are suffering from too much regulation?
The Preamble to our Constitution says, "We, the People, in order to form a more perfect union. . . ." The Civil War was about preserving the Union, not hacking it up into a hodge potch of Little Let's Pretend Sovereign States. The States aren't sovereign: Caesar was. Ivan the Terrible was. Genghis Khan was. South Carolina isn't. Ron Paul and Rand Paul and Ann Coulter aren't.
It is almost treasonous to call for government to be destroyed; for it to be starved until it is so weak and so small "that it can be drowned in a bathtub". The ideal society probably does not exist, but whatever it looks like, it does not most resemble a gun-toting, rag-tag "militia" living in the woods of Idaho, or a free-enterprise ponzi scheme, or people waving Confederate flags who are nostalgic for benevolent slavery and white supremacy and white quarterbacks.
Anyway, it is the same people who chant Ayn Rand slogans who want government to regulate every woman they know, and her entire reproductive system. They want us to be the last, best hope for the application of a well-armed Christian religion to the school system.
We. The People. In order to form a more perfect union.
We need, not a feebler, but a more perfect union.
One with better politicians.
Maybe an amendment or two to the Constitution.
Workable Senate rules.
Easier ways to vote.
Not a free-for-all: a team.
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