About fifteen years ago, not far from here, my head felt as if an artesian well were about to burst my skull. "High blood pressure!", the doctor said. "Take these!" Then it was high cholesterol. "Take those!", the doctor said. A few years later, by then in Minneapolis, while on my almost-everyday walk, early in the morning, around Lake Nokomis, I broke a bone in my foot. At least, that was my first diagnosis. I could not bear to put any weight on my foot. "Gout!", my new doctor said. "It comes from a long commitment to a dissipated life." He explained what uric acid crystals were, and what they did, and said, "Take these pills!" He advised that they might destroy my liver, or kidneys, or something, "but, oh, well!". "How old are you, anyway?", he seemed to be asking. I have come to terms with it. I am a chemical factory, a somewhat erratic chemical factory, and I needed inspection, regul...
Social commentary, political opinion, personal anecdotes, generally centered around values, how we form them, delude ourselves about them, and use them.