[That sounds like quoting Moses or Jesus or Darth Vader.]
According to Trump, "the concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive".
There you are. He tweeted that in 2012. But, of course, while debating Hillary Clinton, he said he had not said that, in spite of the fact that he had. And a couple of years later, he said climate change was just costly nonsense. In fact. . . .
[I keep using using the word, "fact". Give me a little slack even if you would prefer not to deal with little hard things that are there. They are there.]
In fact, Trump argued, things were getting cold: "This very expensive GLOBAL WARMING bullshit has got to stop. Our planet is freezing, record low temps,and [sic] our GW scientists are stuck in ice".
If it is cold, right now, right here, that must be proof that earth, as a whole system, is getting colder, not warmer! A steel-trap mind! We are all going to end up in the Arctic National Wilderness, trapping martens and lynx, and selling their hides to the Chinese, who will have all the money.
Our grandson, Jao, is about to start pre-school. I have not talked to him about global warming, but I am quite certain he does not want to go to school to learn about global warming, or spelling, or nouns and verbs. He is with Donald Trump when it comes to learning things he does not want to learn.
[I am confident that Jao will figure it out. Maybe Trump will, too, but it might be too late. He could start with observing that the water getting warmer, and the wind blowing things around, and noticing that his hotels are on low land.
Climate change, he said on Fox & Friends, was just a tax. So this week he went to Europe and said the US is dropping out of an agreement to do something about combatting climate change.
We are led by a child who does not want to go to school.
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