"How's that hop-ey, chang-ey thing workin' out for ya?"
My god, I try to ignore her! It doesn't work.
It really isn't even Sarah who is driving me nuts. The perky little dear is just making a buck to support her family, and trying to do what is best for Alaska by resigning as Governor. Deep insight and self-perception like that are her credentials for goosing the Tea Baggers, and for flirting with the Presidency in 2012 if it looks best for her family and the nation and global warming and the whole universe.
It is all those Tea Baggers that are driving me goofy. They like Sarah. She is just what they admire: she winks at them, and says, "ya" and scorns those in-te-llek-ya-alls who use teleprompters and talk pretty. The Tea Baggers welcome neo-Nazis, and god-awful racists like Tom Tancredo, who advocates good, ol' Southern literacy tests to keep immigrants and you-know-the-types out of the voting booth, because they are the people who put Barack Obama into office. (No matter that a majority of caucasians suppported Obama.)
I can scarcely believe that about a quarter of the American population admires people like Sarah Palin and Tom Tancredo and Focus on the Family. What has happened to their sense of decency? Where have they parked their brains?
Sometimes I make excuses for their anger and rage by reminding myself that a lot of people are hurting right now. But is they are hurting, why do they oppose universal health care? Universal health care, if not managed by insurance companies, would save us money, and make lives better! Do they really believe that encouraging people to bet their social security on the stock market will someday buy them a condo in Florida? Do they really want to turn investment bankers loose in hunting season with no-limit licenses?
Do they really think Obama was born in Kenya? That he is an agent of an international conspiracy to take over our government? They think Ron Paul is too far left!
Would you want the people whom Tea Baggers would like to elect to design your health care? Would it not be sweet if they could teach Iran the lesson they would like? How would you like to be a Jew or a Muslim or Hispanic or maybe even Catholic if they could have their way?
Sarah Palin is a fraud; just a perky, simple-minded, money-hungry fraud. The Tea Baggers are scary! If they had their way, they would make this a very mean-spirited, racist, fundamentalist, dog-eat-dog nation.
Is it that a sizable part of every society always consists of such people, and that they simply need a chance to load their guns, shout their hatreds, and recite their conspiracies?
Where have the reasonable coffee drinkers gone?
My god, I try to ignore her! It doesn't work.
It really isn't even Sarah who is driving me nuts. The perky little dear is just making a buck to support her family, and trying to do what is best for Alaska by resigning as Governor. Deep insight and self-perception like that are her credentials for goosing the Tea Baggers, and for flirting with the Presidency in 2012 if it looks best for her family and the nation and global warming and the whole universe.
It is all those Tea Baggers that are driving me goofy. They like Sarah. She is just what they admire: she winks at them, and says, "ya" and scorns those in-te-llek-ya-alls who use teleprompters and talk pretty. The Tea Baggers welcome neo-Nazis, and god-awful racists like Tom Tancredo, who advocates good, ol' Southern literacy tests to keep immigrants and you-know-the-types out of the voting booth, because they are the people who put Barack Obama into office. (No matter that a majority of caucasians suppported Obama.)
I can scarcely believe that about a quarter of the American population admires people like Sarah Palin and Tom Tancredo and Focus on the Family. What has happened to their sense of decency? Where have they parked their brains?
Sometimes I make excuses for their anger and rage by reminding myself that a lot of people are hurting right now. But is they are hurting, why do they oppose universal health care? Universal health care, if not managed by insurance companies, would save us money, and make lives better! Do they really believe that encouraging people to bet their social security on the stock market will someday buy them a condo in Florida? Do they really want to turn investment bankers loose in hunting season with no-limit licenses?
Do they really think Obama was born in Kenya? That he is an agent of an international conspiracy to take over our government? They think Ron Paul is too far left!
Would you want the people whom Tea Baggers would like to elect to design your health care? Would it not be sweet if they could teach Iran the lesson they would like? How would you like to be a Jew or a Muslim or Hispanic or maybe even Catholic if they could have their way?
Sarah Palin is a fraud; just a perky, simple-minded, money-hungry fraud. The Tea Baggers are scary! If they had their way, they would make this a very mean-spirited, racist, fundamentalist, dog-eat-dog nation.
Is it that a sizable part of every society always consists of such people, and that they simply need a chance to load their guns, shout their hatreds, and recite their conspiracies?
Where have the reasonable coffee drinkers gone?
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