Oh, good lord! How is an ordinary, sensible guy like me supposed to be religious when people like Pat Robertson tells us what true religion is? "Can demonic spirits attach themselves to inanimate objects?", Pat was asked. Oh, yes, he answered. They can. Not always, but sometimes. So if you think that sweater you picked up at Goodwill has a demonic spirit attached to it, pray the little bugger away! It never hurts to play safe! "And," Goodwill advised, "please wash the clothes before you give them to Goodwill." That seems to suggest that there is an alternative way to drive out evil spirits: a washer and a dryer. Now we are beginning to talk about a religion I can understand! "Wash your clothes! Take a shower, yourself! Use soap and a towel after a lot of things! Change socks! Blow your nose, and be nice to each other!" And for really special occasions, maybe wear a pair of those red shoes! ...
Social commentary, political opinion, personal anecdotes, generally centered around values, how we form them, delude ourselves about them, and use them.