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"1This happened, and as of today, the United States is willingly, knowingly, intentionally sending arms to terrorists. 2Now what this says to me, I’m a believer in Jesus Christ, as I look at the End Times scripture, this says to me that the leaf is on the fig tree. 3and we are to understand the signs of the times, which is your ministry, we are to understand where we are in God’s end-time history."
I do not have a clue what EW1 refers to, but that might be because my eyes are clouded over with sin and cataracts. I had not realized that we--I say, "we", but we all know that we are referring to the Great O, here, born in Kenya and Funder of Islamic Museums in Mississippi.
But as Ms. Bachmann makes crystal clear in EW2, this funding of terrorists indicates that Ms. Bachmann is a believer in Jesus Christ, and that when she looks at the Other Holy Scripture, it indicates that the fig tree has a leaf. And if that does not send a tremor up your leaf, I do not know what will. Fig trees do not leaf out for no good reason, you know! We have only ourselves to blame for not appreciating the deep and terrible message in a fig tree with a leaf. How many times have you simply walked on by a fig tree with a leaf, and not regarded its implication? Every time, I will wager!
EW3 is not one of those simple-minded messages that Country Club ministers of Establishment Churches mouth. Oh, no! Look at that syntax! Look at the puzzling but profound phrase, "which is your ministry"! Is that clear to you? Of course not! Your eyes are probably clouded over, too, and no secular corrective lenses are going to make that simple, powerful phrase clear to a clouded eye. "We are to understand . . . we are in God's end-time history."
That's where we are! The End of the World, again, just like the last time! And this is no Mayan Calendar end-of-the-calendar End: this is it! It is not like the Mayans running out of rocks and chisels. This is the Great O funding what George W. called, "terrists", causing fig trees to leaf out and your cell phone to drop calls. This is the end of fact-based thinking! This is it!
I wish she had given a date. The Water District says I have to pay my water bill, anyway, and whilst sending good money to a government utility makes my blood boil at about 98.6 degrees F., I dearly don't want to run out of water before the End Time, especially not since we have a new water line running up from the street to the house. Personally, I am glad the plumber is not a believer, because had he truly and earnestly believed that we are in End Time History, he would surely have pointed out that there was no point to fixing the plumbing. (That explains an awful lot about how the House of Representatives is behaving, doesn't it? Who gives a damn about the credit rating of the U. S. government!)
But I am straying from what Michele Bachmann, who is on the House Intelligence Committee, is saying to us. "The leaf is on the fit tree!"
(Maybe in a subsequent exploration of just how Turtle Talk works, we can explore whether the fig leaf in the Garden of Eden and Michele's fig leaf are the same leaf, and how it got from Eve to Michele.)
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