Republicans are having a nightmare about Obamacare, and trying to scare the rest of us about their nightmares. It is a scary sight. I do not understand why a little more health care insurance for a few more people is such a scary sight, but maybe I do not understand how pleasant it is to know that the fewer people it is who have health care how much better it is for all of us.
I cannot be the last dolt to think that, when it comes to health care, the more who are insured, the better it is for all of us. Republicans are running against that platform! They believe that "the fewer the merrier" will win them the presidency, the Senate, and maybe even the House, where control seems to lie now, with the Last of the Mohicans.
(I did not mean to say, "the Mohicans". I have no reason to bad-mouth the Mohicans. I meant to say, "the Last of the Heroes of the Losing Side of the American Civil War, Except that they Do Not Call Themselves Southern Democrats, Anymore; They Call Themselves Republican." (They switched parties under Nixon: the Southern Strategy.)
There is something simply insane about hating health care for as many people as possible. Maybe it is not insanity so much as it is stupidity, and mindless anger. Or maybe, in this particular instance, residual racism: the President is Black, you know, and he lives in Our White House. Oh, the shame!
I miss the Old Republican Party; the one that gave us Abraham Lincoln, the one that thought soberly about preserving the best values of the past, the party that thought paying your bills (even for wars) was a good idea, the party of Main Street Shopkeepers and Save Your Money Bankers and Go-to-church-Methodists and maybe very-slightly overweight Council Members. Where did they go?
They cannot be the people who are ranting about more and more people getting health care!
Real Republicans do not know how to rant. They consider.
I cannot be the last dolt to think that, when it comes to health care, the more who are insured, the better it is for all of us. Republicans are running against that platform! They believe that "the fewer the merrier" will win them the presidency, the Senate, and maybe even the House, where control seems to lie now, with the Last of the Mohicans.
(I did not mean to say, "the Mohicans". I have no reason to bad-mouth the Mohicans. I meant to say, "the Last of the Heroes of the Losing Side of the American Civil War, Except that they Do Not Call Themselves Southern Democrats, Anymore; They Call Themselves Republican." (They switched parties under Nixon: the Southern Strategy.)
There is something simply insane about hating health care for as many people as possible. Maybe it is not insanity so much as it is stupidity, and mindless anger. Or maybe, in this particular instance, residual racism: the President is Black, you know, and he lives in Our White House. Oh, the shame!
I miss the Old Republican Party; the one that gave us Abraham Lincoln, the one that thought soberly about preserving the best values of the past, the party that thought paying your bills (even for wars) was a good idea, the party of Main Street Shopkeepers and Save Your Money Bankers and Go-to-church-Methodists and maybe very-slightly overweight Council Members. Where did they go?
They cannot be the people who are ranting about more and more people getting health care!
Real Republicans do not know how to rant. They consider.
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