Mark I Love SPAM also loves Anne Mousley. They have been engaged for years, and have two children, and want to be married at the SPAM Museum in Austin, Minnesota.
In April, Mark etc. and Anne will fly from their home in Halewood, England for their solemn rites at the Hormel They Love SPAM Museum, and Hormel will fly them on to Hawaii to the SPAM JAM street festival in Waikiki, Hawaii. Hawaiians eat about five cans of SPAM, per capita, per year, more than any other state or food group.
Here, at SmokeSound, we do not endorse nothing, not even SPAM, although from time-to-nostalgic-time, I find myself giving SPAM one more try, for Old Time's Sake, and because Mari grew up downwind from Austin, Minnesota, on the Iowa side of the downdraft. We are soft-hearted, though, for a genuine love story, especially in these trying times, when canned . . . canned stuff is produced mostly in Washington, D.C.
I wish Mark I Love SPAM Benson and Anne Mousley a memorable and tasteful wedding and life together. Guests should throw rice, instead.
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