I have no objection to little lapel pins in red/white-blue, but I do think it is absurd that if politicians decide to appear in public without one that they are sent back to the locker room to get one, and then come back and end their speeches with, ". . . and God bless the United States of America, and all of its colonies and territories and ships at sea."
The savage gold feather illustrated above is not what I have in mind. I don't know what that is: a Scriveners' Award for Scrivening, I suppose. Maybe something for a game of lawn darts.
I am thinking of this: there is a deep scar in American history, reaching far back before the founding of the nation itself. It is White Supremacy. It is the notion that white-skinned human beings are superior to all other variations of humanity. It is racism. It is the notion that Caucasians are a superior race; ignore that skin tone does not make a race. It is reciting from the story of Noah and Seth and Ham and Japheth from the book of Genesis as evidence that God made some people to be subservient, and some superior. Baloney! Phony baloney. Damnable racist mythology!
We fought a Civil War to end slavery and to hold the nation together around the affirmation that racial superiority was brutally offensive; that we were a new kind of nation. We are still fighting that war. We may have put down some of our muskets, but not all of them, but still the stench of White Superiority remains. It is a highly contagious disease of the mind. Antibiotics have no effect.
Sometimes I almost wish that there were a modest little symbol that simply indicated that I am one of the human beings; not just a runty, little Scandinavian sort of human being, but just one of a medley of human beings. Not that I have done a very good job of being one, but that specifically indicates that I want to get rid of all that crap, and just be a team member.
I think I might wear one; just remind myself.
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