I really don't know who Peter Diamond is.
Neither do the Republicans in the Senate.
They do say, though, that they are opposed
to him becoming a member of the Federal Reserve
because he has limited experience in dissecting
the inner workings of the national economy.
I am not sure, but I think that it is more important for them
to add Sharron God's Angle and Christine I-ain't-a-witch O'Donnell
to the Senate before they make any final decisions
on how to staff the Federal Reserve with experts.
All of this frustrates Barack Obama, of course,
who nominated Peter Diamond to the Reserve.
It probably frustrates Ben Bernanke, too,
who credits Diamond with being generous in helping him
when Bernanke was getting his own degree.
It might even frustrate the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, where Diamond is considered an expert
on Social Security, pensions, and taxation.
It does not seem to bother the Nobel Prize committee.
They named Peter Diamond as one of the three
economists who worked together to clarify
the dynamics of unemployment crises.
You can understand why this bothers me so much!
Those Republican surely know something that the President
and Ben Bernanke and MIT and the Nobel Committee
don't know about Peter Diamond. Perhaps he thinks
the earth is more than 6000 years old, or that he
doesn't think the earth is flat all over, except on the sides.
There has to be something holding them back.
I will bet that Michele Bachmann can explain
Republican opposition better than Mitch McConnell can.
It probably has something to do with more enemies
of American coming into government. Well, now!
Who is to deny that Peter Diamond has traveled overseas?
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