It is a fact that Congressman Paul Broun, Republican of Georgia, looks just like an ordinary person, but we are not to be fooled by facts. Congressman Broun is the Oldest Man in the World. He walks up and down on the earth, going to and fro on it, and that is amazing, given that his head is about three thousand years old. He has a recent haircut--and a neat and careful one it is, too--but the contents of his head are truly and amazingly ancient. You get a clue about that when he talks.
Just last week, the Oldest Man in the World said that evolution and the big bang theory are "lies straight from the pit of Hell". "All that stuff I was taught about evolution and embryology and the big bang theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of Hell. It's lies to try to keep me and all the folks who were taught that from understanding that they need a savior."
I don't remember that part of my biology and chemistry classes, but apparently they conclude, "Thus and Begorra: you don't need a savior!" But I was naive: I thought it was about learning from the evidence that the universe is billions of years old, with enough time to try almost everything, and that life earth and squirmy worms were wondrously interesting. It wasn't: it was straight from the pit of Hell.
As Representative Broun says, "I don't believe that the earth's but about 9,000 years old. I believe it was created in six days as we know them. That's what the Bible says." That's what NBC says Mr Broun says. (Don't get all tangled up in Mr. Broun's King James English:
that "I don't believe the earths but about" business means he believes that the earth was created about the time the city of Jericho was founded and when people first tiptoed through the bogs of Denmark.
Dr. Broun is a medical doctor, and together with Representative Todd Akin--the "legitimate rape won't get you pregnant" man, they sit on the House Committee on Science, Space, and Space and Technology. Well, it says right in the Bible or Somewhere that there will be tribulations on the earth before Big Bird is crucified and Jesus comes again.
To take Todd Akin out of context, there ought to be "ways to try to shut that whole thing down". It is shameful and embarrassing to have people as ignorant of science as those two in charge of science and technology.
They are not really lying. They are ignorant. Simply ignorant. Catholic theology has a term for the kind of ignorance one cannot be held responsible for. They call it, "invincible ignorance". Science from Hell.
Too bad these folks don't know how to read their Bibles. In any case, they are too ignorant to know that either. John S.