Bill O'Reilly--Fair and Balanced Fox News Host--is in a dither. Beyonce apparently has a video in which it suggests that she had, has, is, was or were, having sex with her husband in the back of a limousine. Wha? Wha? WHAT!
With her husband?
In the back of a limousine?
(I think I do not understand.)
If not her husband, with whom?
If not in the back of the limousine, where?
In the front seat? In the trunk? The roof rack?
Mr. Putin is having sex with Crimea in the back of The Ukraine. The Tea Party is doing some unsavory things with the Republican Party. Churches are not safe places for little boys to play Hide and Seek, or Light the Candle. Syria is a butcher shop. A plane went down somewhere between Singapore and China. And Bill O'Reilly is all upset because Beyonce, who is supposed to be a role model, Mr. O'Reilly says, has sex with her husband in the back of a limousine. Maybe. Probably.
The end times cannot be far off.
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