I am resting from my labors. No, no! Not in the We-are-in-church-trying-to-pretend-that-Conrad-was-a-warm-fuzzy-fellow kind of way! I just came in from the cold. . . . No, that was a book. I was out in the heat, clearing away things so that people who do real work can work; specifically, removing vegetable garden irrigation things so as not to trip up the guys wheeling the tree-in-pieces to the street. A couple of nights ago, it rained in our little part of Tucson, and sometimes when it rains, the wind blows in a peculiarly exuberant fashion. It blew exuberantly, and persuaded a rather large mesquite tree to yield way, landing on the sawhorses I had been using to build a place for flower pots, and on the fence along the south side of the house. Fortunately, it did not rain on our house, so to speak. We cannot see the fence, but it does not take a genius. . . . From up on the hill, one can see that the tree is almost as ta...