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How to be a Freeloader

Tiny Tim Pawlenty, the lame-duck Governor
of our fair and limping State--the same Tiny Tim
who did so dearly want John McCain to choose him
as a running mate, but whose evangelical religion
did not allow him to wink at another male, a stricture
that did not apply to Sarah winking at John, because
Sarah and John are both of the opposite sex--
that Tiny Tim! has become presidential.  That is
to say, he now drives only in the very-rightest lane,
and says the rightest things. 

For instance, our fair lad has always hated taxes. 
He has vowed never to raise taxes.  He never has
raised taxes.  He has raised user fees, but that
doesn't count.  He once tried to build a huge freeway
project here by asking the contractors to lend
the money to the State, because the State was broke.
Nobody bid on the job.  Our Tim should have
asked them to front construction user fees, maybe. 

Cutting taxes on those who earn most, and refusing
to find any other tax income has resulted in
huge cuts in almost everything we need to do.

Neverthemind!  Tim has not raised taxes,
and guess what he is going to say when he runs
to become the leader of every fair and decent
Christian head of the family in America! 

Why do people say they hate taxes?

Why don't people say they hate to pay for food?
Why don't people say they hate to pay health insurance
companies for their health care because almost
a third of the money goes to overhead and bonuses?
Why don't people say they hate to pay for garage doors,
and vodka, and lottery tickets, and clothes for their kids?

Taxes is how we pay teachers' salaries.
Taxes pay police and fire services. Taxes pay for
sidewalks and streets and turn signals and flu vaccines
and clean water and airports and emergency personnel.

People who say they hate to pay taxes are stunted citizens!
They are professed freeloaders who want somebody else
to foot the bill for all the things that make a civilized society!

Don't come with all that crap about government being
wasteful!  Of course, sometimes it is wasteful, but so
is private enterprise.  The government delivers health care
to elderly citizens and Members of Congress and veterans
better and cheaper than an insurance company can!

It was not government greed and economic stupidity
that drove our automotive companies to bankruptcy!
Government did not pay Bill McGuire $1,700,000,000.
to run a health insurance firm! 

There are services that we all know should not be
privatized, that are best administered by us, the people,
through our Constitution, our laws, our schools and
universities and local police and fire departments,
and those services have to be paid for!

The people who hate to pay taxes of necessity
hate to assume their fair share of our common life.
The "government is wasteful, but United Health Care
isn't" argument is pure, self-serving, baloney. 

Nobody wants taxes to be unfair.
Nobody wants taxes to be wasted.
But the issue isn't unfairness and waste,
because the people who stand tall and say
they hate taxes are telling us that they
want an unfair system in which they
do not pay their share of what we need.

Tiny Tim Pawlenty is arguing with the members of
his own party now, because they are saying that
his policies and practices have put Minnesota
into a position in which we are fiscally unsound. 
Pawlenty is arguing against some of the very things
he argued for earlier, because he wants all of us
to know that he hates taxes as much as we do. 
He wants to say he never, ever, barely raised taxes!

Taxes are not the problem.
The problem is how to fashion an equitable way
to pay for the public goods and services we need.
And it is clear:  if Bill McGuire will not volunteer
to pay off the national debt by himself, then we
have to pay for our kids shoes, and teachers,
ourselves; fairly, wisely, and proudly.


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