Consider the state of the Republican Party!
Look at Michele Bachmann, for instance,
who is one of the rising starts of the Party!
She said Barack Obama is a socialist,
and accused him and many other members of Congress
of having anti-American views.
She has urged people to pray to God that
Obama's health care reforms fail.
Her husband--and it seems to be a marriage made in heaven--
describes Jesus as his Almight Counsellor.
Ms. Bachmann pictures herself in Army boots:
"I'm a foreign correspondent on enemy lines and I try to let
everyone back here in Minnesota know exactly
the nefarious activities that are taking place in Washington."
While a part of big government--she is in Congress!--
she says she is an insurgent in Washington, working behind
enemy lines to let people know exactly how
big governnent is a threat to all of us.
Our Michele--the one with one "l", not the wife of the socialist
in the White House--is a part of the "tea party" protesters
(You know, throw the cartons of tea into Boston Harbor
to protest taxes) say Barack Obama is a challenge to
America's fundamental values. Last week she said,
"The people – we the people – are going to have to fight back
hard if we're not going to lose our country."
It is much worse than that. Michele Bachmann was caught
hiding in the bushes, literally, to spy on a gay rally. She is the
lovely thang who glommed onto President Bush and held him
in a half-nelson as he tried to exit an address to a Joint Session.
She finds conspiracies everywhere, and hates big government
so much that she may decide she should run for Governor
of the State of Minnesota. It is a fact that the official
Minnesota State Bird is the Common Loon.
It is not just she who is focusing the Republican Party.
The Party is full of people who are angry, outrageous,
and self-destructive. Even poor Lindsay Graham,
who is no one's idea of a profound, left-wing thinker,
is being booed and shouted at by his own constituents,
who accuse him of consorting with . . . oh, I don't know:
King George the Third, or those socialists in Washington.
There must be people with common sense somewhere
in the Republican Party; people who know that the nation
is filled with ordinary people who simply want health care,
an education, jobs, for war to stop, and some sense
of equity in how the wealth of the nation is distributed.
There must be grown-ups in the Republican Party, somewhere,
who know that Joe the Plumber, and Sarah Palin, and Rush
Limbaugh are not competent or balanced. They are State birds!
How can any sensible person, anyone who thinks seriously
about the nation, listen to people like Michele Bachmann
and not worry that something approaching paranoia
is becoming part of the Party platform?
Look at Michele Bachmann, for instance,
who is one of the rising starts of the Party!
She said Barack Obama is a socialist,
and accused him and many other members of Congress
of having anti-American views.
She has urged people to pray to God that
Obama's health care reforms fail.
Her husband--and it seems to be a marriage made in heaven--
describes Jesus as his Almight Counsellor.
Ms. Bachmann pictures herself in Army boots:
"I'm a foreign correspondent on enemy lines and I try to let
everyone back here in Minnesota know exactly
the nefarious activities that are taking place in Washington."
While a part of big government--she is in Congress!--
she says she is an insurgent in Washington, working behind
enemy lines to let people know exactly how
big governnent is a threat to all of us.
Our Michele--the one with one "l", not the wife of the socialist
in the White House--is a part of the "tea party" protesters
(You know, throw the cartons of tea into Boston Harbor
to protest taxes) say Barack Obama is a challenge to
America's fundamental values. Last week she said,
"The people – we the people – are going to have to fight back
hard if we're not going to lose our country."
It is much worse than that. Michele Bachmann was caught
hiding in the bushes, literally, to spy on a gay rally. She is the
lovely thang who glommed onto President Bush and held him
in a half-nelson as he tried to exit an address to a Joint Session.
She finds conspiracies everywhere, and hates big government
so much that she may decide she should run for Governor
of the State of Minnesota. It is a fact that the official
Minnesota State Bird is the Common Loon.
It is not just she who is focusing the Republican Party.
The Party is full of people who are angry, outrageous,
and self-destructive. Even poor Lindsay Graham,
who is no one's idea of a profound, left-wing thinker,
is being booed and shouted at by his own constituents,
who accuse him of consorting with . . . oh, I don't know:
King George the Third, or those socialists in Washington.
There must be people with common sense somewhere
in the Republican Party; people who know that the nation
is filled with ordinary people who simply want health care,
an education, jobs, for war to stop, and some sense
of equity in how the wealth of the nation is distributed.
There must be grown-ups in the Republican Party, somewhere,
who know that Joe the Plumber, and Sarah Palin, and Rush
Limbaugh are not competent or balanced. They are State birds!
How can any sensible person, anyone who thinks seriously
about the nation, listen to people like Michele Bachmann
and not worry that something approaching paranoia
is becoming part of the Party platform?
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