The Common Loon is the official state bird of Minnesota. Common Loons are also our official state politicians. That is the reason we are debating whether to make Common English the official State language.
Minnesota Talk is what most people use, up here, but there are more recent immigrants who have not yet learned Minnesota Talk. Even people who are bilingual, who know both Spanish and English, for instance, or Hmong and English, or Somali and English, have trouble understanding Minnesota Talk, so the legislature is proposing that all of us should learn Common English.
I don't know! If Minnesota Talk was good enough for Paul and Silas and St. Olav and all those Scandinavians who brought their Norwegian and Swedish hymnals with them from the Old Country, it seems to me that we should tear down all those bi-lingual signs that make it easier for people to understand what is going on, and just get on with our lives, you know, then?
So, how've you been, then? By golly, isn't this some weather we're havin'?
Minnesota Talk is what most people use, up here, but there are more recent immigrants who have not yet learned Minnesota Talk. Even people who are bilingual, who know both Spanish and English, for instance, or Hmong and English, or Somali and English, have trouble understanding Minnesota Talk, so the legislature is proposing that all of us should learn Common English.
I don't know! If Minnesota Talk was good enough for Paul and Silas and St. Olav and all those Scandinavians who brought their Norwegian and Swedish hymnals with them from the Old Country, it seems to me that we should tear down all those bi-lingual signs that make it easier for people to understand what is going on, and just get on with our lives, you know, then?
So, how've you been, then? By golly, isn't this some weather we're havin'?
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