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God and Glenbeck are a Majority

One of my earliest memories was of a box-like radio
with a great round speaker sitting on top.  It did not work very well.
Mostly, it produced magic static, interrupted by an occasional
actual radio broadcast, only to be overcome by static, again.

Later, better radios brought whole broadcasts.
Not necessarily better; just whole broadcasts:
Father Coughlin, for instance.  "Cog-lin".

Father Coughlin earned the title, "Father of Hate Radio".
First he supported Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the New Deal,
even calling it God's work.  Then Father Coughlin and God
began to get suspicious about FDR and all those Jewish bankers
that Father Coughlin saw everywhere.  Coughlin began
to display some sympathy with Hitler and Mussolini.

Bad stuff.  Hateful stuff.  By 1938, Coughlin's followers
were marching in the streets chanting, "Send Jews back where
they came from in leaky boats!"  Back to Nazi Germany.

Glenbeck is my Favorite New Convert (not to Catholicism, 
but to Mormonism).  The denomination isn't important.  
The religion is, because finding God provides absolute certainty
to his conspiracies and hateful opinions.  He says Barack Obama
is a racist, that the people whose houses burned in brush fires
in California hated America, and that Keith Ellison (a Black 
Muslim Representative from Minneapolis) has to prove that
he is not working with Middle Eastern Muslims to destroy America.
Not really saying that!  Just saying!  Doom!  Doom!

Sister Sarah, the Former Almost Half-Governor of Alaska,
gets up early to watch the sun rise so she can blame it on Obama:
he should have known!  She gives the impression that only she,
and mama grizzlies, and the people who buy her books and pay
her speaking fees, care about the real America where oil drilling
is encouraged, and health care is discouraged, and guns are good.

Sister Sarah has no doubts about God being on her side.  
Lately, she has been cozying up to what is left of the feuding 
Billy Graham family, reaching across the aisle, so to speak, 
from evangelical fundamentalist to Baptist fundamentalism.

And now Tiny Tim Pawlenty, the Former Evangelical Governor
of Minnesota, the one who turned our State around, fiscally,
by stoutly and manly refusing to raise taxes on anything 
(although a few user fees here and there appealed to him)
left the State 6.2 billion dollars in debt.  He is a traveling man, now,
traveling from one Christian book store to the next explaining
how we need a God-fearing, tax-thumping, President who will
reinstate "Don't Ask, Don't Tell".  He just happens to mention
that his pastor is a big honcho in the evangelical movement.

Tiny Tim is a sweet man.  True religion oozes from his pores.  

Even Barack Obama feels compelled to go to prayer breakfasts
and talk publicly about how often he prays, in English, not Arabic.

Psychopaths and Sociopaths don't have any human empathy.
Everyone knows they are dangerous to human society.

I wonder if, next down the scale, are the people with hateful
ideas, and a head full of conspiracies, who know that God is 
on their side.  God and Glenbeck, you know, are a majority.  

Sister Sarah and Tiny Tim seem to think that God wants them
to become President, or maybe just to sell a lot of books.

In old Norman tradition, the eldest son inherited all the property.
The next often went into the military.  Somewhere down the line,
another son went into the clergy.  We have forgotten the rules.
Now, even the daughters want to get into politics, by getting
cozy with God.  And God won't ask, or tell.  He whispers 
his preferences mostly in mega-churches, these days.  

Sometimes on FOX news.  


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