Human beings are scatter-brained;
that is to say, do not think alike.
We are all over the place.
At the same time, we need each other.
We need each other for procreation,
for protection, to gather food,
to build our shelters, keep the wolves away,
and to trade skill for skill.
We don't drop our children to the ground,
and cannot drive down the road without rules.
If you are drunk, you cannot drive.
You need a license to practice medicine,
to drive a car, perform marriages, to fish,
or open a restaurant and sell food to people.
We hate having to conform,
but we don't want to die alone.
We are a compromise.
Libertarians are the lone wolves.
They, like Marlene Dietrich, "vant to be alone".
They begrudge and minimize requirements.
Their question is how little they have to conform.
They run in the pack only to breed,
or if it is necessary to run down food.
Else, they prowl the forest alone.
Others come together to form a village
and to share in feeding, protecting, and educating
their children, in building houses, trading food,
building bridges, and providing health care.
To hate govbernment is to hate cooperation
even when cooperation is necessary, like it or not.
It is the belief that we are best, unfettered.
Government haters have gathered as Republicans;
as Libertarians, Tea Partiers, Trickle-down economists,
low tax, smallest government, minimal regulation,
unlimited wealth advocates: Alpha Dogs.
The rest of us want to buld a bridge.
We are willing to share in the cost.
We think kids need protection, and that
everybody deserves health care and enough food.
You choose!
Quit it with the slogans!
Which way will help us all most?
We built the Grand Coulee Dam together.
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